Families remain at heart of Sept 11 commemorations
Families of the victims of the Sept 11 attacks will once again gather in New York's Lower Manhattan to honor their loved ones in a commemoration on Sunday that organizers are working to ensure loses none of its significance for the nation with each passing year.
On the 21st anniversary of the deadliest act of terrorism suffered by the United States, the relatives will read aloud the names of those killed in both the Sept 11 attacks and in the World Trade Center bombing in 1993.
"The 21st-anniversary commemoration ceremony will take place on the Memorial plaza and focus on an in-person reading of the names by family members," according to the website of the 9/11 Memorial &Museum in New York. "Throughout the ceremony, we will observe six moments of silence, acknowledging when each of the World Trade Center towers was struck and fell and the times of the attack on the Pentagon and the crash of Flight 93."