Movie focuses on and explores our common origins
When did humans first make music? Did our distant ancestors start by beating things to create rhythm, or did they sing? How did art start? What made those early humans look at the world in a particular way? These are among the questions explored in the movie Peking Man, the Last Secrets of Humankind.
The movie seeks to reproduce those moments when our ancient ancestors first interacted with fire, created rhythmic sounds or paintings, and attempted to communicate with others. Based on the latest archaeological discoveries, it takes viewers on a journey into prehistoric East Asian jungles inhabited by gigantic animals that only existed at that time and on this continent, delving into different stages of human evolution. These subspecies of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens found in China, including Yuanmou Man, Lantian Man and Peking Man, appear in the movie which spans around 1 million years.
Its promotional videos were released on Dec 19, during the 4th Hainan Island International Film Festival.