Xi's call for collaboration commended

Experts say messages of partnership through economic openness timely
President Xi Jinping's messages at the 31st APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and the APEC CEO Summit for building an open and interconnected paradigm for Asia-Pacific collaboration through economic openness are highly relevant and commendable, experts said.
Also, the Chinese leader's call for strengthening APEC's role in the global economy will help advance greater regional economic integration and connectivity, they said.
Jasna Plevnik, president of Geoeconomic Forum Croatia, noted that Xi said that China is ready to bolster the building of an "interconnected paradigm", and that Xi's address at the APEC economic leaders' meeting, which took place late last week in Lima, Peru, has reduced the space for uncertainties in international relations, which is highly needed at this moment for the future of regional and global economic cooperation.