Traditional Chinese medicine can improve eldercare with fresh impetus

Since traditional Chinese medicine treats not only the secondary manifestations (biao) but also the primary causes (ben) of several chronic and acute conditions, it can provide health protection for elderly people.
TCM has many advantages in terms of methods, characteristics and applications, and they can be integrated in the medical services for the elderly. Given its holistic concept, TCM takes into consideration the physical, psychological and social environment of elderly people before formulating a comprehensive treatment plan, and doesn't focus only on a single disease while ignoring the overall health of the person receiving treatment.
TCM believes in "preventing disease before it occurs", preventing deterioration after a disease is diagnosed and preventing its recurrence after recovery. Its emphasis on prevention first is consistent with the need to focus on maintaining the health of elderly people and keeping them free of disease. TCM can also help the elderly improve their physical health, slow down their aging process and improve their quality of life.