G7 statement shows its ideological bias

In their meeting in Charlevoix, Canada, on Friday, the G7 foreign ministers released a joint statement, in which they again bad-mouthed China on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, South China Sea issue, and the Taiwan question, as well as nuclear weapons.
They falsely labeled China as an "enabler" of Russia's military operations in Ukraine and the reconstruction of Russia's armed forces, willfully distorting the truth of the matter. China has never got involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, except as a promoter of peace talks. It has never provided weapons or any military-related products to either side. It is G7 countries that have been adding fuel to the flames of hostilities by providing a steady stream of ever more sophisticated weapons and other assistance to Ukraine and imposing ever tougher sanctions on Russia.
As parties deeply involved in the conflict, they are not in a position to point an accusing finger at China on this issue.