Poverty fight sets example for other nations

Translations of Xi's book popular as countries try to learn from China's story
As Uzbekistan increasingly looks eastward for development solutions, especially for poverty alleviation, linguist Dilsora Mirzaakhmedova is trying to introduce China's development philosophy to the Central Asian country while building bridges for cross-cultural communication.
Invited by the Chinese embassy in Uzbekistan, Mirzaakhmedova, an associate professor at Minzu University of China's School of Foreign Studies, spent nearly a year from 2021 to 2022 translating the book Up and Out of Poverty into Uzbek.
The book is a compilation of President Xi Jinping's speeches and articles from 1988 to 1990 when he was secretary of the Communist Party of China Ningde Prefectural Committee in Fujian province. Ningde, once among the most impoverished regions in Fujian, declared itself poverty free in 2018.